Girls Serve Tanzania (GST) is a non-governmental organization with its headquarters in Katavi region (Mpanda Town).
Girls Serve Tanzania was established and registered in March 2023 under the NGO Act 2002, with registration number 00NGO/R/4562.
Girls Serve Tanzania complements government efforts in achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Our primary focus is on adolescent girls and young women, we aim at creating enabling environment for them to realize and utilize their potential for sustainable development by empowering girls and the community at large with the necessary skills they need for girls and women development.
The formation of GST was inspired by a number of challenges girls and women face regardless their potential and enormous contribution in sustainable development. In our country, Tanzania girls and women are victims of the number negative outcomes including negative gender attitudes, social discriminatory norms that limit their access to education, economic opportunities, and sexual reproductive health services, increasing their poverty circle, increasing their vulnerability to gender based violence such as teenage pregnancies and child marriages.
Hence the organization saw a need to serve girls from such challenges by creating an enabling and friendly environment for them to realize and utilize their potential through girls themselves and community empowerment to support girls and embrace girls’ potentials towards sustainable development.

Young Girls Have Potential And Enormous Contribution in Sustainable development.

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To improve girls’ access to safe, quality, gender-responsive inclusive education.

To advocate for policies against child marriages, support community-based protection committees and strengthen civil societies.

To reduce poverty for girls, women, youth and their families through empowering them with necessary skills to increase their economic opportunities.

To reduce poverty for girls, women, youth and their families through empowering them with necessary skills to increase their economic opportunities.